So I've decided to start a blog, woo-hoo. Do I get a cookie now? I've joined the masses and placed my mark upon cyberspace. Wait did I just become a sheep? Naw, there aren't any formulas or standards for these, not yet anyway.
I decided to start writing this to keep track of what I was or, more to the point what I wasn't doing. I claim to be a writer; I even have a few unimportant publications under my belt. However, I've spent the last two years basically avoiding writing, okay maybe I won't go so far as to say avoiding, but I've been in school trying to figure out what I want to do with said writing.
I dabbled in journalism, until I realized I was a far cry from a writer who could follow formulas and be unbiased, and though I know this is an unrealistic idea of the current media, I believe it is what it should be, an unbiased observation. So I threw that out the window to go to a more arts driven concentration. Now I'm reaching the end of this stage and trying to decide what to do with the next evolution of myself.
I wrote the book, I actually had that first book nearly finished before I went back to school, and somehow in the midst of everything else have essentially finished it. Well as finished as I can generally call anything I write, I'm a perpetual editor; I would have fit in well during the time of Whitman when they re-published their work repeatedly in different editions, although admittedly it must have gotten boring.
Now I'm getting ready to test the waters, in about five different pools. Freelancing, short stories, poetry (although this admittedly isn't my favorite vein), and novels in about three different genres and a variety of age groups.
So, this blog will trace my semi-invisible tracks as I delve into the world of the writing process, including the ever horrifying moments of submission and query letters.
Read if you dare, be forewarned I have a tendency to rant. Also I ignore all the grammatical rules I don't care to follow at that moment. I will vent over rejections and probably never use "!'s" even if there are moments of success.
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